Welcome to The
Fixate & Binge Podcast!

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What is The Fixate & Binge Podcast all about, anyway?

The Fixate and Binge Podcast uses films and television shows as a springboard to discuss life’s most important topics with extraordinary guests from around the world.

We analyze important themes, scenes, and ideas and recommend, review, and reminisce about the art form that inspires and is inspired by life.


Co-host and co-creator of The Fixate & Binge Podcast Joe Curdy is a husband, father, Shakespearean, reformed academic, Anglophile, pluviophile, with a lifelong love of cinema and television.

An aspiring raconteur, Joe will talk your ear off about Shakespearean performance history, the films Blade Runner, and The Big Lebowski, and once acted alongside Chuck Norris for a week in a film he’d rather forget!

Joe has studied at Cambridge University, England (Gonville & Caius College), lived in Hawaii, and holds graduate degrees in English Literature from the University of Birmingham, England.

His proudest achievement was carrying 5 pieces of luggage through the London Underground to Heathrow Airport for a flight he ultimately missed by 15 minutes. He then passed a kidney stone at the airport hotel later that evening. John Hughes’ couldn’t have written a better scenario…


Jared Clavin, co-host and co-creator of The Fixate & Binge Podcast, is usually physically in California, but his heart roams the beaches and woods of the Oregon Coast.

One of his earliest and warmest movie memories is watching Singing in the Rain on TV with his mom and little sisters while folding laundry in the living room. Jared loves film because it gives him the chance to experience life through someone else’s eyes and he dreams of a day when even the bitterest of enemies make peace after realizing they share a favorite film or two.

Jared is an open book and has been known to overshare. He was once an earnest Mormon missionary and bishop but is now a fun-loving apostate who is learning firsthand just how interesting and beautiful the world and its people are.

An avid traveler, Jared has been to 21 countries around the world and hopes to see more soon. He has four adult sons and lives in Northern California with his wife and favorite person in the world, Heidi.

Fixate And Binge Podcast